27 December 2010

#reverb10 Prompt, Day 27: Ordinary Joy

Our most profound joy is often experienced during ordinary moments. What was one of your most joyful ordinary moments this year?

"Do you want to 'bock-a-bye'?"

A sleepy Bean nodded, rubbed his eyes, and toddled over to the recliner, patting it to show me where I should sit. I climbed into the chair and pulled my son onto my lap. He snuggled down against me, twisting so he could watch TV while we rocked.

I knew it would only take a few minutes for him to drop off to sleep for his afternoon nap, and I was already thinking about the things I needed to do while he was sleeping. Laundry needed to be folded and put away, the lunch dishes needed to be washed, and I needed to send an email to a client.

In the midst of my mental to-do list, Bean twisted back around and pushed against me with his legs to nearly standing. Just as I was about to remind him that we don't stand on chairs, he wrapped both arms tightly around my neck, rested his head on  my shoulder, and gave me a big hug.

"I love you, too, buddy."

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