03 February 2009

Kitty Games, TLC in the afternoons, and other such nonsense

My writing plate hasn't been as full lately as it has been in the past, so I frequently find myself in the middle of the afternoon with little or nothing to do except watch A Baby Story and Bringing Home Baby on TLC.

And while it's very fun for me to watch baby shows every afternoon and get all teary when they hand Baby to Mama, during the commercials I find myself thinking, "Crap. I should be writing something."  Then I feel guilty at having wasted the afternoon watching TV instead of writing or reading or anything productive.  And playing games with our crazy cat Azshara who likes to chase movement under the covers doesn't count as productive, I suppose.

So I've decided to tighten up my schedule just a bit, particularly since, this time next year, I'll have an adorable, cherubic, perfectly mellow ::snort:: Baby NP on my hip who may need attention when my Muse taps on my shoulder.  This will also be helpful in case I need to venture outside of the house for a bit of traditional income-seeking and won't have the flexible writing schedule I currently boast.  (Just how is call center work, heart sister?)  More on that some other time, though.

In the many books about freelance writing I have, every single one of them talks about having a schedule and sticking to it in order to stay productive.  I'm afraid I've let myself get a little lax in that area, and I'm suffering the consequences (often referred to as procrastination and/or laziness).  So I'm reworking my daily schedule to accomodate my new dedication to productivity, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure I stick to the schedule I create.

And until I finalize said schedule, I'm going to spend as much time playing with the kitters as possible.

Don't judge me.

I could be writing a story about cats.  You don't know.


  1. I'm sure Azshara is pleased with your productivity...

    I can commiserate. When your schedule is yours it's easy to procrastinate. I haven't found a cure yet, that's for sure. Let us know if you find one.

  2. I fear the only real cure will be getting slammed with work. And while I'll be glad for the work, it may make for an irritated decaf-drinking NP for a while.

  3. Research. It's called research. Damned important. Must get the nuances of feline behavior down. Etc. ;-P

    That's what I love about being a writer. So easy to flip anything I do into something valuable for the writing.

    Oh, and the call center work sucketh mightily. At least right now. As me after the contract negotiations are over and I know how badly the company's screwed the union. Urgh. If you go for call center work, look for inbound not outbound, and stay as far away from call centers that take orders from people who watch infomercials as possible!

  4. NP,

    I'm not sure if you're an Ann Rice fan, but I think you will find this article extremly interesting:


  5. Ah, the old "research" excuse. I'm beginning to think Hubby's suspicious that I'm using it as an excuse from time to time....

    Thanks for the article, Mike!


Add a little caffeine to my life...