16 February 2009

Coffee-Stained Nightstand: a Reflection

I finished reading The Meridian Anthology of Early Women Writers: British Literary Women from Aphra Ben to Maria Edgeworth, 1660-1800, edited by Katharine M. Rogers and William McCarthy.

I went into the anthology with interest.  I didn't know the names of the authors in it, and was looking forward to learning about them and perhaps discovering a good writer I could read more of later.

I think there's a reason I haven't heard of any of these writers.

I don't mean to be snobby or elitist about it.  After all, it's been a while since I've been in my academic reading mode (maybe I'm just out of practice), but I had to force myself through many of the pieces.  In fact, I had to force myself through some of the author biographies!

I think I'll stick to my Norton Anthologies.


  1. I don't think it's just being snobby. The art of storytelling has advanced quite a bit in the intervening centuries. I've often found old works, even those considered classics, to be plodding and dull compared to even mediocre modern fiction.

  2. LOL! You gave me one of the best laughs of the day. I'm just sorry you had to slog through a lot of really awful writing to do it!

  3. @Cujo: thanks for the boost.

    @Dana: Glad I could help!


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