26 February 2009


I have many blogs I read on a regular basis.  And thanks to the Google Following tool, I can scroll through and link to them instead of typing individual web addresses and hoping I remember everyone, or finding that so-and-so hasn't updated all week.

Well, I was reading my "subscriptions" today, and hopped over to my very dear friend Frazzoo's foodie blog, which I read for her great recipes and because I love her.  And what do I find?

The darling has given me a "Lemonade/You Make My Day" Award!  First of all, it cracks me up.  And second, I'm touched that I make her day.  And to pass on the love to other bloggers, I get to give the award out to bloggers that make my day!  What fun!

Though she's already received one, I'm giving Frazzoo of Adventures in Home Cooking yet another award.  You may see it as cheating, but I love her blog to pieces, so she deserves it.  If you want a fun recipe to try, just wander through her archives.  Not only will there be something to tempt you, but she even gives tips to make the cooking easier, or suggests changes to make it even yummier!

I'm also bestowing an adorable virtual award to Dana of En Tequila Es Verdad.  As a writerly friend, she's always been a great support to me, and when I need a good dose of political snark, she's really the only place to go.

The next award clearly goes to Jen of Cake Wrecks.  Come on.  A blog about awful cakes?  Embarrassing frosting misspellings?  Babies riding carrots?  Pregnant belly cakes with creepy vampire-looking hands on them?  Idiocy for the sweet tooth?  Come on.

As a writer, I'm always looking for good info in the publishing industry.  That's why I'm proud to announce the next award goes to Nathan of Nathan Bransford - Literary Agent.  He gives advice, keeps us updated on what's going on in the world of publishing, and makes me feel like I really have a shot at being published someday.  Keep up the excellent work, Mr. Bransford.  You may be getting a query from me sometime, and with all the great advice you give, it'll be a good one!

My final award goes to the Bull Moose Conservative himself, Mike of The Big Stick.  We may differ politically, but he presents his political views intelligently, without disrespect for the other side, and is always open to a great discussion.  Not only that, I love reading his blog when he's posting on the same person or event as Dana.  Great reading, really.

For those who have just been given this prestigious award, please don't let it go to your head.  It is truly an honor, and while you have earned it, I hope you will not shirk your responsibilities and rest on what you have done.  Keep up the great blogging.  

You keep me addicted to the Interwebz.


Add a little caffeine to my life...