11 September 2009

Fiction Friday: Riding Publishing Waves

[NOTE: Fiction Thursday is now Fiction Friday! This post is going up today, but dated for tomorrow. Future fiction posts will go up on Fridays.]

I don't know if you've noticed, but media seems to be swamped with vampires lately. From the Twilight series to True Blood on TV, it seems that everywhere I turn I see pale-skinned blood suckers.
Obviously it's the current trend.  Someone decided vampires are cool again, picked up a bunch of vampire lit. (and screenplays), and convinced the general public that vampires are cool again.  So not only do we have lots of new vampire stuff, but probably lots of reruns of Buffy and Angel, too.

Of course, all this raises a question for writers.  Of course, this question can be applied to any trend, so don't think it's not applicable if you don't write about (or have no interest in writing about) creatures of the night.  I use vampire literature in this post because it's an obvious, current example.

Can I sell vampire lit. to publishers in the current climate?

Many would say no.  We're on the crest (or perhaps the downward slope) of this trend, so publishers probably aren't jumping to buy new vampire pieces.  The public has already been inundated with the stuff, so readers may not be too keen to pick up another book that will remind them of the other ten they just finished. Publishers are looking for the next great thing, not the current great thing.

On the other hand, many trends emerge as a swelling of a desire readers already have.  Yes, there are tons of people reading vampire literature right now, but when the trend has passed, there will still be people who will want to read about vampires.  Just because it's not a trend doesn't mean there's not a niche for it.  So some publishers may still be looking for new and exciting vampire lit. to fill the shelves.  After all, to some, vampires will always be cool!

Here's my thought: if you're looking for a niche to write in the hopes that it's a trend and you'll be more likely to be picked up, don't pick something that's "hot right now."  (Personally, I don't think you should try to fit into any trend just to sell your pieces, but that's a post for another day.)  If there's something that's on the upward slope, sure, maybe you could get in on it.  But if you already see it everywhere you turn, I don't know how well you'd do trying to sell it to publishers.

My advice is to write what you want, then find the perfect home for it.

Happy scribbling!


  1. One article I read said the next hot topic will be werewolves. Interesting the way these cycles run.

  2. Personally I hope you're wrong about werewolves.

  3. Have you seen the previews for the new movie next year with Beneccio del Torro? And of course they have a prominent role in the new Twilight movie.

  4. I haven't. I'll have to check that out.

  5. I haven't noticed it in the media so much, because I don't watch that much TV or movies anymore. I have noticed a trend in the bookstores, though. It seems like half the titles in the "science fiction" section feature woman wearing high heels and carrying swords, long knives, or pistols the size of a hair dryer. I'm hoping we've reached saturation there.

  6. I agree that as much as trends matter in terms of marketing, it's most important to write only when you have something meaningful to say. Anything popular has its clones, and the vacuous ones always get called out for being vacuous!

    I was approached by a publisher about writing a vampire dating guide for them, and fortunately, I had a lot stored up in my mind that I wanted to say on the subject--much of which is actually, I hope, insightful! But had this not been the case, I would have passed, not wanting to publish words just for the sake of trendiness.

    --Diana Laurence, author of "How to Catch and Keep a Vampire" (www.howtocatchandkeepavampire.com)

  7. Thanks so much for your insight, Diana.


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