09 July 2009

Thursday is Fiction Day!

I'm trying to spend more time working on my poor, neglected coffee house book, so each Thursday is being set aside as Fiction Day in my office.

Last night I looked at what needs to be done so I could try and set a goal for myself today, and found myself wanting to organize before I could actually write. I have a bad habit of using my fiction-writing time as organizational time. I tweak my outline, develop my character bios, etc., etc., and don't get any actual writing done.

Today is going to be different. Instead of opening my outline to see what needs to be done, I'm going to open my manuscript and start writing, then see what happens.

If NaNoWriMo taught me anything, it's that I can get things down on paper and go back to fix them later. It certainly doesn't have to be perfect the first time.

So my goal today is simply to write. I'm not going to impose any word count goals or time goals on myself. I think the best thing for me will be simply to get back into the habit of writing fiction, and we'll see where it goes from there.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I know how that is! Good luck! (All right, it's a little late, so maybe save the luck for next Thursday...) ;-P


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