03 February 2013

And then it was February

January was a busy month. The kids and I had fun--including a long weekend at PawPaw's house--and work was intense all month.

But now it's February. Puck and Tink are spending some time with Monty, things are becoming more routine at work (in a good way), and I have a lengthy list of projects and things I'd like to do over the next three weeks.

I'm trying to stay optimistic about my productivity for the month, particularly because the last week of the month is going to be a little chaotic. Well, more chaotic than normal, if there is such a thing. In addition to the normal work and household stuff, I've got some deadlines for the coffee house book. And reading. Lots and lots of reading.

What's happening in your life this month?

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to resolve to start writing off my blog more and work towards finishing a book that I'm actually happy with, as opposed to the one's I finished that will never see the light of day!

    Of course, with this resolution the most horrible writer's block struck!


Add a little caffeine to my life...