20 October 2008

Relaxation Techniques

Even when things get crazy busy, there are moments I need to step away from my office space, take a deep breath, and let myself relax a bitteen.  Crazy busyness is wonderful when your livelihood depends on how busy you are at scribbling, but everyone needs to take time to relax at least a little to keep from getting overly stressed.  Even if you think you don't have time, you should make time regularly for relaxation.

There are many ways people have of relaxing, so it's easy to find a way that works for you.  These are just a few examples of ways you can reduce the stress in your life and re-energize yourself before getting back to your routine.

Yoga is a well known relaxation exercise.  The poses in yoga are slow, and focus on form and breathing over getting the heart rate going.  Yoga is about unity between your mind, body, and soul.  One of the great things about yoga is that while it is relaxation, it is also an exercise, so people who practice yoga can relax while strengthening muscle, increasing flexibility, and promoting balance and posture.

Psychic shielding is a way to protect yourself from the "bad vibes" of others, and cleanse your spirit and mind of any negative energy that may be hanging around.  It takes practice to do well, but if done effectively, it can be a great way to relax yourself and reduce your anxiety.

Meditation is another well known relaxation technique.  It can take many forms.  Some people sit (or lie down) and clear their minds, or focus on a chant or mantra.  Some people pray as a form of meditation.  The important thing in meditation is to focus on something, whether it be clearing your mind of thoughts or focusing on a chant or a candle's flame or whatever else, and not let the outside world or your own thoughts distract you from your meditation.

There are lots of other ways to relax, of course, but these are a few I've found work well for me.  Whatever relaxation technique you select, make sure it's something you're comfortable with, and something that works for your situation.  When you find something that works, you'll find you'll be happier, less anxious, and more productive!

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