14 October 2008

Introverted Writer Seeks Nature

Anyone know knows me knows I'm an introvert.  I always have been.  And though I've had jobs that have helped me be a bit more extroverted, it was only within the context of working.  Given my choice, I'll sit quietly and people-watch over just about anything else.

My introvertedness makes for a great writing life, though.  Since I don't feel the need to be around people all the time, I get a lot of writing done.  Since I'm quiet and prefer to watch people, I get a lot of writing observation done.  And since Hubby is somewhat introverted, as well, he's perfectly content to hang around the house while I scribble away, and it doesn't bother him we're in the same room for hours and don't speak to each other.  (He gets me that way.)

Lately, I've been at home a lot.  Really.  A lot.  And it's been nice because I've gotten a lot of work done, as well as research for personal interests, but I looked at my calendar recently and realized it's the middle of October and I haven't been taking advantage of the (slightly) cooling temperatures.

I love fall.  It's not as hot so I can be outside more.  Yes, even in my introvertedness, I like to be in Nature.  I like taking evening walks when it's just cool enough to wear long sleeves, but not so cool that you're shivering when you go back inside.  I like seeing the greenery change, the animals adjust to the new season.  I like being outside in the fall.  And, sadly, my hermity pesonality has gotten in the way of taking in the beauty the wide world (of Orlando) has to offer me.

And I'm starting to feel the physical results of spending way too much time inside the apartment.  I feel a bit draggy, kind of blah, and like I just need some fresh air.  And I think, believe it or not, I'm feeling the tiniest bit (gasp!) restless.  So I think it's time to take a day (or even half a day) and be out in the world.

So Hubby and I are going to make plans to spend a day going to different nature spots in Orlando.  There are lots of them, including the UCF arboretum, and I'd like to see what's there, and recharge myself.

Yes, believe it or not, even introverts need a good dose of sunshine every once in a while!

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