13 April 2013

Coming back to the blog

I've missed blogging. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed it until I made the conscious decision to not do it. But I needed the break; I've had a bit of a chaotic life lately, and I needed to clear my head a bit. Now that I have, I've learned some things about myself.

I can't hide from writing.

I'm a writer, and even if I take a break from it, I'm a writer. I always come back to it. And if I stay away too long, I feel agitated and anxious. Writing is very much a part of me. It's more than just something I do or even a career. Writing is what keeps me going.

Just are there are other parts of myself I can't pretend don't exist, I can't pretend I'm not a writer. I know now, more than ever, that writing is the only career that will really bring me happiness. I'm fortunate to be in that field already (though I'm in a marketing department, so it's a lot of sales copy), but my ultimate goal is in the realm of fiction-writing.

I have goals.

I've known what I've wanted to do with my writing for a long time, but it was a lofty, somewhat vague idea of being A Writer. I took steps toward this intention, got sidetracked, and kept moving forward.

However, I set aside some time to think about what I really want as a writer. This led me to setting more specific goals, and achievable steps to get there.

I feel like I've been floating a bit with my writing, partly because of things that have been going on in my personal life. Clarifying my goals and having steps in place to get there has already helped immensely. I have a direction again, and I'm looking forward to what will come as a result.

I'm looking forward to what's coming in my writing life, and I'm looking forward to sharing that with you here.

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