16 November 2009

Shifting my writing focus

I love freelance writing.

I love that I can write about different topics and work with different clients.  I love that the pieces I write are shorter so I can jump around when I write.

But my heart will always be in fiction.  And I've been really neglecting my fiction pieces lately.

NaNoWriMo has reminded me how much I really love writing fiction, so beginning on January 1, 2010, I will have a new and different set of writing goals for the year.  I am shifting my writing focus back to fiction where it belongs.  I will still be doing freelance, of course, but the bulk of my writing time and energy will be devoted to getting my coffee house book back on track, as well as making sense of the other ideas floating around in my head.

If I can write a novel in November for NaNo, there's no reason I can't get my coffee house book written and edited (or at least in the editing phase) by May 2010.  So that will be my goal, and when I sit down to create my writing goals for 2010, that's what I'll have in mind.

And in the meantime, I'm filling pages by breaking up compound words, not using contractions, adding flashbacks.

Happy scribbling!

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