28 November 2008

NaNo Pep Talk: End of Week Four

We're coming to the end now.  Today is the last Friday of the month, and by midnight on Sunday, we'll have written 50,000 words in 30 days.

Some people have finished, others are nearly there.  And still others, not unlike myself, have  ways to go before that beautiful, intimidating word count bar turns purple.

I am...behind.  And yet, I'm encouraged.  It is moments like these, when all seems lost, that I find some strength I didn't know I had and pound out the words until I hit and exceed 50,000 words.  I've done it before, and I'll do it again.

Here's the deal.  We're at the end of the month, but it's Thanksgiving week, and there are still almost three full days before the alarm goes off and time is up.  And two of those days are Saturday and Sunday, which gives most of us two days work-free during which family and friends can be ignored, large pots of strong coffee can be brewed, and novels can be written.

This is the time to pull out all the stops.  Write out contractions, use the word "and" instead of commas, break compound words into two words.  Do whatever it takes to push that word count higher.

You may have been struggling with plot or characterization lately.  You may have been dreading opening that word document and staring at the screen for hours.  And though your word count has been creeping upward, it's only been creeping.

Take heart.  There is time.  And this is the time you'll become a super-human writer.  You'll start typing, perhaps slowly, and before you know it, you'll pause for a much-needed sip of coffee, check your word count, and holy crap I'm almost done! will happen.  It will.  It always does.

You can hit 50,000 words.  Just keep plugging away.  There's still time, and lots of words to be written, and the NaNo victory is within you.

Just a couple of days left, then we'll all head over to the Cantina for several shots of tequila, political snark, and a break, with 50,000 words proudly behind us!


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