22 November 2008

Coffee? Good. Roast beef? Good. Coffee roast beef? Mmmmmm....!

I have a dear friend and foodie who always has great recipes that I often try the next week in my own kitchen, much to the satisfaction of Hubby.

I can't wait to try this one!

If you like coffee, try it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The photo is directly from Frazzoo's blog post about the recipe (linked above), and she has all the copyrights to it.  Don't take her photo because she's my friend.  If you do, I'll punch you in the throat.


  1. Aw...a love a good throat punch!

  2. Hey, I gotta do what I gotta do.

  3. Sounds similar to red-eye gravy, which is the only way I will consume a coffee-product.

  4. Hey, as long as you're consuming coffee, I'm happy! ::smile::


Add a little caffeine to my life...