Last year I challenged myself to read 100 books or more in 2012.
I failed miserably.
It's okay, though, because I did read a lot more than I would have, which has led me to try the same reading challenge again this year.
I'm not going to set a reading list, though there are particular titles I would like to be sure to read (or reread) this year that I'll keep in the back of my mind. And I'm open to suggestions!
Here are the "rules" I'm following for the challenge:
- The goal is to read at least 100 books during the 2013 calendar year, beginning January 1st and running through December 31st. Books begun before January 1st or finished after December 31st do not count.
- Any book counts: fiction, nonfiction, anthologies, plays, graphic novels, rereads, ebooks, etc. If it has an ISBN, it counts. Rereading the same book within the calendar year does not count. Individual short stories do not count, individual books of the Bible do not count, and individual poems do not count.
- I will not be counting children's books because I read to my kids so frequently.
- Books do not need to be selected in advance.
- Crossovers from other reading challenges count.
Obviously, something like this is on the honor system, but I will be trying to write some kind of reflection/review for the books I read throughout the year. I tried to do that last year, but I got terribly behind. I'll try to be more faithful about it this time around. I will be listing the books I read on
this page, and as I write reflections/reviews, I'll link to them.
The first book on my list for this year is
Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler. It's technically a reread for me, but it's been a while since I've read it, and my previous reading was more of a skimming in some areas.
How are you challenging yourself this year?