17 January 2012

In the midst of chaos, there is still writing.

For those who took yesterday off, welcome back from a long weekend! I did take yesterday off. In the afternoon, my kids, niece, and I loaded up in the car and drove about two hours north to pick up my brother, who had spent the weekend with our dad. It was a nice little trip, and I was glad to get to spend some time with my dad and his family.

It meant I didn't work yesterday, but with everything that's been going on in my personal life over the last few weeks, it was a much needed break. The kids slept the entire trip north, so I had that time to myself. Funny enough, with the chance to let my mind wander and work through some "stuff" that's been going on, my mind turned to the coffee house book.

It's funny how that works for me. When I'm facing challenges in my personal life, my mind turns to writing. It's a comfort to me to be able to write regardless of what's happening in the real world. It's a way for me to escape for a little while and focus on something else, or even work through problems by putting my characters in the situation.

Regardless of what's going on in my life, my story is the same as it was before the problem(s) started. My characters are not affected by what happens in my life. When my life is being turned upside down, my stories are a constant. Writing is a constant.

I expect I'll be getting a great deal of work done on the coffee house book in the coming weeks and months. Because in the midst of chaos, there will still be writing to do.

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