28 November 2010

NaNoWriMo Pep Talk #6: the Last Days

We're in the final days of NaNoWriMo.

Can you believe the month is nearly over already? It seems that just last week I was getting excited about my idea, doing a lot of planning and research, and watching the calendar to in anticipation of when I could start writing.

And now, here we are, at the end of the month, and instead I'm reflecting on the experience, thinking about the story I have (and haven't) written, and deciding where my fiction-writing is going to go beginning on December 1.

However, where I am is not necessarily where you are. Because I have a work deadline tomorrow, I know I'm not going to finish NaNo. That's okay with me. I entered into it knowing I wouldn't. I just wanted to know that I tried, and that I could get back into fiction-writing a bit.

So don't let the fact that there are only two and a half days of writing left deter you from scribbling away. Yes, time is short, but you could still finish!

It's these last days that can be the most inspiring for WriMos. You could be writing away, and have your muse whisper something in your ear (or slap your hands or what-have-you) that sets your fingers flying. You could have a breakthrough with your main character or plot or setting that makes your word count explode.

So keep writing. You could be surprised at how well the next two days goes for you. Don't count yourself out yet because it's not over until the calendar says December first.

Keep writing, and good luck!

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